Life Coaching using scientifically proven 21st century techniques
Life Guidance Consulting
If you're ready to make a change,
I'll guide you to create the life you really want.
I Will help you:
Clarify what you really want in your life and in yourself
Uncover the inner conflicts & subconscious beliefs that are in the way
Resolve those inner conflicts and permanently shift those beliefs
Create new internal possibilities and set life goals
Take action to manifest the results you want in your life and in yourself
Hello, I’m Carrie Zivetz
For over 15 years I have been a PSYCH-K® and PSYCH-K HEALTH and WELLNESS® Facilitator
Depending on the needs of my clients, I also use other powerful techniques in my practice.

Tools & Techniques

PSYCH-K® is a scientifically proven process for permanently rewriting negative or limiting beliefs at the level of the subconscious mind. Working very specifically with each individual client, we devise new, positive, self-supporting Belief Statements that are then downloaded directly into the subconscious.

MULTIDIMENSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: an evolutionary approach to co-creating with the conscious, subconscious and superconscious, providing a very effective process to healing past lives and balancing inner selves

PSYCH-K HEALTH AND WELLNESS® uses the same, scientifically proven techniques focused on all aspects of health, healing and wellness. “If modern medicine accepted the mind of the patient as a part of the medical team, we would have much more effective healthcare.” – Rob Williams, originator of PSYCH-K®
Do you have limiting beliefs, blocks or fears getting in the way of achieving your goals?
Do you often say, “A part of me feels this way and a part of me feels that way”? Have you ever considered past lives might be impacting your current life?
Do you find yourself struggling with relationships, frustrated by your career, challenged financially?
IMPORTANT Message From Dr. Bruce Lipton
I was facing some serious cancer surgery and to make matters worse it wasn’t going to take place for about 4 months so I became quite stressed out over what pain I would experience after the surgery, complications and whether or not the surgery would be successful in terms of eliminating the cancer. Carrie suggested PSYCH – K to try and ease my fears and to replace them with a positive outlook.
After my session with Carrie, I immediately noticed that my high stress level had been replaced with a feeling of calm which helped me go into the surgery far calmer than I ever imagined. As a matter of fact – the day of my surgery my blood pressure was at one of its best ever readings. The surgery was successful and I owe much of it to Carrie who helped me prepare for it and to keep a positive calm attitude. Thanks Carrie.
George OlahI would never have been able to anticipate how mind-blowingly fantastic sessions with Carrie would be. I have been seeing therapists on and off for the last 28 years, and Carrie’s sessions are BY FAR the best I have ever experienced with any mental health practitioner.
And it wasn’t just one amazing session. It was every single one.
This one day, I went in feeling depressed and hopeless about my situation, but then partway through the session, I noticed an overwhelming sense of comfort and knowing that I was okay. I felt so supported. So so supported. And I felt empowered knowing I now had the tools to heal beyond the patterns that have been giving me such a hard time for most of my life.
She is so smart, so attuned, and so insightful that talking with her feels magical. She is always quickly able to understand what my harmful beliefs are, where they came from, and which new beliefs to download using Psych-K (which is a really easy, fast process using muscle testing, body positions, belief statements). She also provides such a clear and powerful framework (related to working with my inner child) that has allowed me to continue healing and keep those beliefs alive in my daily life.
Her follow-up emails are above and beyond, with such valuable summaries of the session that really help reinforce the whole healing process.
I strongly recommend you just go give a session a try and see for yourself.
Kiley AlbrechtThe extraordinary thing about working with Carrie is that with minimal delving into your past she absolutely nails what you’ve experienced, and how that will have impacted your subconscious mind and your life. That gave me immense reassurance that here is someone who absolutely knows her craft, has empathy, and crucially has real experience to guide you to where you need to be in your mind. What is certain is that I enjoyed our sessions which all had a purpose and outcome, and I am measurably better for the experience.
G CohenReady to Make a Change?
Contact me to schedule your first session.